Monday, October 31, 2011

her mothers hope

this is a good book. marta finally married a guy. his name is weird and i dont have my book close to me so im not gonna tell you his name. her dad always told her that she would be alone for the rest of her life cause she was ugly but she showed him!! sometimes i dont really like the guy though. he doesnt want her to get a job even though she could probably get a better one then him...but this takes place in the early 1900s so he is very prideful and not many women had jobs at that time. i hope when i get older i can meet a guy that is not like him...he doesnt seem very nice or helpful. but she finally has kids and she is trying to raise them better than what she was raised. which is good.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Her Mother's Hope

I started a new book this week. My mom actually just finished it. So far it is really good. It takes place in Germany and there are a lot of German words that they use and i dont know what they are talking about sometimes. But it starts out with a girl named Marta being beaten by her father. Its really sad. I keep wondering why her family doesnt just leave him. But, her mother says that she still loves him. Thats kind of dumb to do but i still like the mom in this story. She is really sweet and is there for her kids. Im happy that Marta finally left there but i have a feeling that she is gonna go back for some reason.

Common Weakness

This is common mistake number 6.

Common mistake number 2.

Common mistake number 9.

Common mistake number 3.

I think this is the best one i found.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Style Mapping

Whistling in the Dark-
The book is from the point of view of Sally. She is a young girl, so the elevation is very low. She is very blunt with her language and everything is mostly common. She sometimes says thinks that arent correct but she doesnt know any better. Also, the sound is more harsh. Her sister likes words that start with the letter f. whether is it good or not. Sally is with kids a lot so lots of the language is from kids. The book itself is denotative, but the title is connotative. It explains in the book that Sally and her sister, Troo, whistle in the dark. It means that the try to make things not seem so bad when it is dark and scary.
The elevation for this book is mostly low. the words are not very exciting and it mostly common language and familiar to most people. Also, it is denotative. It just is telling us about the city in not any special way. Just straightfoward and says exactly what it means. The sound i think isnt either. it is middle diction.
The Mud Below-
\This is another one of Mr. Hills excerpts from yesterday that im stealing. The elevation is low. It seems like this is taking place in the south which is known for their slang and terse language. The sound of the story is harsh. The words are noisy and hard sounding. Lastly, the story is denotative. It has no expressive voice in it and just says it how it is.

Friday, October 14, 2011


This quarter i have read 5 books so far. Although i read i usually dont read that much. also i have picked out books that i usually wouldnt have picked out. The most difficult book i think ive read was the memoirs of a geisha. it was more boring than the other books that i have read. but it wasnt too bad. it was interesting at the same time to learn about this girl and her life style. i first book i read was by my favorite author. but after that i tried to not read her anymore just to read some new things. my sister let me read one of her books called before i go to sleep which was really weird and creepy at the same time. the ending was really good! but i think the ending of all the books that i didnt see coming the most was the spellman files. my head just screamed what?! and laughed a little when i finished that book. but its been a good quarter.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Whistling in the Dark!!

so im only on like the 4th chapter in this book but its pretty good. it was kinda sad in the beginning. it is from the point of view of Sally. and in the beginning her dad dies in a car crash. soon after that her mom is desprate and marries a jerk. they move out of their farm and into a new neighborhood and meet some new people. that is kind like me! and less than 2 weeks til my house will be finished! i cannot wait. it will be my 4th house of the year. i cant wait to be somewhere and be able to just stay there. it looks really nice so far. i went there on sunday and a lot was done. the only things left seem to be the carpet, toilets and sinks and stuff like that, and the lights which was half way done when we were there sunday. my room is kinda bright. i like it because its bright and happy in there and i like happy things. but its almost too bright. but i dont want to tell my mom because she painted the happy room (sun room) the same color and i dont want her to be stressed about anything else. but i really dont care all that much. i just want my own room where i can finally unpack my boxes. living in a rental house is no fun. especially when you live out of boxes.


"'We can't waste our time thinking about such things,' she said. 'Nothing is bleaker than the future, except perhaps the past.'"

This is what we Japanese called the 'onion life'-peeling away a layer at a time and crying all the while.

Whatever our struggles and triumphs, however we may suffer them, all too soon they bleed into a wash, just like watery ink on paper.
I like these quotes from my book. They are more thinkers than the others that i had before. but they are from memoirs of a geisha and that book wasnt what you would call a funny book. She went through a lot of struggles and things she didnt want to do but she was okay in the end.

Before i go to sleep

this book is kinda creepy almost. she forgets everything everytime she goes to sleep. she doesnt even know that shes married, old, and has a son. her husband doesnt tell her everything. but its probably because he doesnt want to go through sad things everyday. he has to tell her everyday that she was in an accident and cant remember anything. i think if that was me i would not be as calm as her. shes crazy!
i wrote that a few days ago but i never finished it. but i have finished the book since then. the ending was not anything i was expecting. i finished it one night in bed and i was really tired and wanted to go to sleep but i couldn't! i had to know what happened. it was very intense. i think that the book was good but it was kinda boring until the end. it wasnt like really boring but i just didnt think it was exciting until the end. but now its time for my next book! i picked out a book from mr. hills room. its called Whistling in the dark. it sounds creepy but good.