Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Style Mapping

Whistling in the Dark-
The book is from the point of view of Sally. She is a young girl, so the elevation is very low. She is very blunt with her language and everything is mostly common. She sometimes says thinks that arent correct but she doesnt know any better. Also, the sound is more harsh. Her sister likes words that start with the letter f. whether is it good or not. Sally is with kids a lot so lots of the language is from kids. The book itself is denotative, but the title is connotative. It explains in the book that Sally and her sister, Troo, whistle in the dark. It means that the try to make things not seem so bad when it is dark and scary.
The elevation for this book is mostly low. the words are not very exciting and it mostly common language and familiar to most people. Also, it is denotative. It just is telling us about the city in not any special way. Just straightfoward and says exactly what it means. The sound i think isnt either. it is middle diction.
The Mud Below-
\This is another one of Mr. Hills excerpts from yesterday that im stealing. The elevation is low. It seems like this is taking place in the south which is known for their slang and terse language. The sound of the story is harsh. The words are noisy and hard sounding. Lastly, the story is denotative. It has no expressive voice in it and just says it how it is.

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