Sunday, September 11, 2011

Give Thanks!

So I have not blogged in a while. We don't have internet at our house so I find it difficult to do homework. Only one more month until our house is finished and we can move in! But I can use this time to be grateful. I started a new book this week. It is called Memoirs of a Geisha. I had no idea what a geisha was. I even asked my mom. So we googled it. Good old google. I pretty much learned that it is an asain that preforms for men. Kind of weird to me. But this girl in the book didn't get into it on her own. Her mother was very sick and dying and her father was much older. Some man found out about this and decided to buy her and sell her to a place to train her. Lots of times in this book people metion her eyes. There is something about them that people find amazing. They are like a mix of grey and blue. But anyway she has to live in this home and is pretty much a servant and has to do everything they tell her to. They are very strick and if she does something wrong she gets beaten. Also her sister was sold at the same time. They went to separate places and have not seen each other. When she finally did find her she had found out that she became something like a prostitute. When she tried running away with her she got caught and was beaten. Although I am living in a house that isn't my home and it isn't the most comfortable place to be at right now, I am grateful that I don't have to live like her. She doesn't have a family or any real kind of life. It kind of reminds me of my favorite place. I have gone to Haiti three times and I love it there. I can see similarities of the book and that place. Both places are not the best places to live. Everytime I come home from Haiti, I feel grateful for what I have. This book is making be happy that I live here and have a family that loves me. Everyone should be thankful!

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